
Help For Dependency has teamed up with TrueTube to deliver nine films aimed at informing and educating people on the concept of dependency and addiction; explaining the science behind it, presenting keywords, and featuring select moments from interviews with seven people who have each been exposed to a different type of dependency.

Understanding Addiction

The first film in our series of nine is an introduction to the concept of addiction, explaining the science behind it, presenting key words, and featuring select moments from interviews with seven people who have each been exposed to a different type of dependency.

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Understanding the Risks: Cannabis

Cannabis is the most popular illegal drug in the UK, and smoking it before the age of 18 is particularly dangerous for your mental health, as Dean testifies in this film.

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Understanding the Risks: Heroin

Heroin, and opioids in general, are considered by many to be the most dangerous illegal drugs, and yearly statistics reflect this view. It is also one of the most addictive and difficult drugs to stop using.

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Understanding Dependency: My Alcoholic Dad

Jo is now in her 40s but spent her childhood being frightened of her father, who became dependent on alcohol and made life difficult for Jo and her whole family. While it’s important to listen to and help those who become personally dependent on a substance, the loved ones of people with dependency issues sometimes get forgotten, and they also need guidance through their trauma.

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Understanding the Risks: Alcohol

Sarah (not her real name) had a positive upbringing with a close family unit, and she excelled at primary school. But when she started secondary school, she started getting bullied and decided to bully those people right back. It led her down a dark path, mixing with the wrong crowds and letting her school work slide.

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Understanding the Risks: Prescription Drugs

Paul started experiencing pains in his hip due to a medical condition when he was only 14. He was prescribed codeine but as his tolerance grew and the pain worsened, he moved on to morphine.

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Understanding the Risks: Steroids

Jack was bullied as a child and experienced traumas at home that made him want to bulk up and get muscular. He also enjoyed the attention of the opposite sex and having strangers comment on his physique.

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Understanding the Risks: Gambling

Danny grew up with a positive culture of gambling, but a lot has changed since he was younger, and gambling can now be accessed far more easily – not just due to an increase in high-street bookmakers, but also because of the enormous surge in online options. What started as a bit of fun in his late teens spiralled into an addictive disorder that put him in £50,000 of debt and led to suicidal thoughts.

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Understanding The Law

Presented by Mental Health Nurse Emma, who details how UK law currently stands regarding the possession, distribution and manufacture of illegal drugs. She explains the reasons behind the UK’s three drug classifications, based on the risk levels associated with individual substances.

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