About the Romani Foundation – Help For Dependency

The Romani Foundation was formed in January 2019 in memory of Jordan Romani who, like too many young men, chose to take his own life aged 27 following years of dependency and addiction.

Help for young people struggling with dependency and/or addiction is sparse. Society perceives ‘drug addiction’, especially, as a crime committed by the person rather than what it is – an illness – and our aim is to raise awareness about the issues involved with dependency and addiction and to provide help, advice and guidance on dealing with substance use and addictive disorders; and the life issues which accompany them.

Our aim is to raise awareness at any early age in schools and colleges so that we can begin to prevent the problem rather than trying just to cure it. We want to educate not only young people but also their families and friends to enable them to spot the danger signs and know how to find help or how to deal with the situation. Our aim is to stop young people ever feeling the need to start down the road to dependency and/or addiction by guiding them to other choices and supporting them in those choices.

How will we achieve this? By using this unique website to provide not only potential life-saving information but also immediate support and guidance for those struggling with dependency and/or addiction; and/or their friends and families. We are working with ‘We Are With You’ – one of the UK’s leading drug, alcohol and mental health charities – to ensure that our work is aligned with that of other charities. Planning is underway on the production of a DVD which will be circulated in schools and colleges free of charge, but this is obviously costly.

As a charity we have created some resources, including films and lesson plans; in collaboration with True Tube, We Are With You, Drugs Hub and Me and St. George’s Crypt. It’s our intention to get these into schools – to raise awareness about dependency and addiction; as a means of prevention and harm reduction. Please visit the Resources page for more information.

The nine films and associated lesson plans that we have created are centred around the subjects of alcohol, cannabis, heroin, steroids, prescription drugs, gambling, understanding addiction and The Law.

Both the films and lesson plans are available to download from our website Resources page or via https://www.truetube.co.uk/.

Should you require any further help or support with the delivery of the resources, then please do not hesitate to contact us.

We want to make a difference, not just now but for generations to come by stopping this destructive behaviour for good through education and raising awareness – BUT we can only do it with your help.

The website, educational resources and support networks that we provide will only be effective if they can be rolled out on a large scale and free of charge. We want everyone to have access to this lifesaving information.

Thank you